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Gabrielle Model/Actress : Love & Hip Hop Miami season 1 Snapchat :Badgyalzilla - Twitter @iamgabrielle_d

This week, KNG2LA caught up with model and actress Gabrielle Davis from Kingston, Jamaica. We had 23 uncut questions to ask Gabrielle and wanted to get to know the young Jamaican beauty. Gabrielle Davis is an independent commercial model based in Miami, LA, & her hometown, Kingston. She has done major regional ad campaigns for Schweppes, and has recently appeared in Snoop Dogg and Jeremiah’s music video, "Point Seen Money Gone." Gabby is also about to be the face of Campari’s latest Caribbean ad campaign, which is a KNG2LA exclusive. So you heard it here first!

23 Questions with ‘Gabby’
KGN2LA: Where's your favorite place to visit in Jamaica?

Gabby: One of my favorite places to visit in Jamaica would be "blue hole."

KGN2LA: What scares you the most?

Gabby: Roaches scare me (dies with laughter).

KGN2LA: What's your favorite curse word?

Gabby: 'Fuck'

KGN2LA: What is modeling really like?

Gabby: Modeling is fun but also very stressful. Especially in terms of always having to look a certain way and maintain a particular body size for the job(s). You know, sometimes you just want to let loose - but you have to try your hardest to be in shape at all times. It is not always as glam as it seems. It can get crazy and sometimes the hours are super long. It's something I am very passionate about, so I don't often find time to complain.

KGN2LA: What is your must-have beauty product?

Gabby: I love my beauty products, so it’s always hard for me to pick one that is my number one. But, I definitely cannot live without a good shimmer bronzer and a scented lip balm.

KGN2LA: Who's your spirit animal?

Gabby: Rihanna is my spirit animal. (Laughs) Badgyal dat enuh!!

Gabrielle Davis- Los Angeles
Gabrielle Davis- Los Angeles

KGN2LA: Whats your secret beauty tip?

Gabby: One of my (secret) beauty tips would be collagen masks. They (really) keep your skin looking young and firm.

KGN2LA: Vogue is on the line, what do you say?

Gabby: If Vogue ever called me I think I would faint (laughs). Then (I would) ask them where and when are we going to shoot.

KGN2LA: Who's your celebrity crush?

Gabby: Johnny Depp

KGN2LA: Name one thing that many people don't know about you?

Gabby: I’m very indecisive; especially when deciding what to eat. It's like a math equation.

KGN2LA: Whats your favorite social media app and what’s your handle?

Gabby: The social media app that I love at the moment would have to be Snapchat. Follow me: badgyalzilla.

KGN2LA: What TV show would you kill to have a cameo on?

Gabby: I’m more into Netflix series, so I'd kill to do an interview with Chelsea Handler. She’s boss!

KGN2LA: What are 3 things you look for in a man?

Gabby: Three things I look for in a man are a good sense of humor, nice teeth & he has to have good style.

KGN2LA: Do you have a hidden talent?

Gabby: I can whine and twerk well (laughs). It's so awkward saying that.

KGN2LA: What advice would you give your younger self?

Gabby: Have more confidence and do not doubt yourself so much. Anything can be accomplished.

KGN2LA: Red or White wine?

Gabby: Red wine is a must. #MerlotQueen

KGN2LA: Who's your model icon?

Gabby: Naomi Campbell

Gabrielle Davis for Purple Jade Jewellery
Gabrielle Davis for Purple Jade Jewellery

KGN2LA: What's your favorite song out right now?

Gabby- "Round Whippin" by A Chal. I have a deep love for urban music.

KGN2LA: Between Chris Brown, Drake, and Party Next Door, who would you fuck, marry, and kill?

Gabby: I would kill Party Next Door, fuck Chris Brown, and marry Drake.

KGN2LA: Describe your style in one word.

Gabby: Eccentric. I love to switch things up.

KGN2LA: If you could raid a female celebrity's closet, who would it be?

Gabby: Kylie Jenner or Gigi Hadid.

KGN2LA: What's the most romantic thing a guy has ever done for you?

Gabby: The most romantic thing a guy has ever done is hop on a plane to surprise me with a promise ring.

KGN2LA: Donald Trump or Hilary Clinton?

Gabby: Hilary Clinton. She’s the best out of them both.

Remember to keep up with @KingstonToLA on all our social media outlets and Gabrielle Davis here:

Instagram- @iamgabrielle_davis

Snapchat- Badgyalzilla

Facebook- Gabrielle Davis

In the Love & Hip Hop: Miami episode “Fashion Victims,” Christopher “Prince” Michael Harty lands in hot water with his girlfriend of three years, Liz Cifuentes. Liz can’t believe he stayed out all night and hung out with “a family friend” named Gabby. Liz has had it with Prince and throws him out of her house. It seems like for good because she throws his clothes out the window, too. And whatever is left in the closet, she douses with a liquid one can only hope is bleach.

[Gabby used to date Pleasure P; check out his Break Up To Make Up mixtape]

Gabrielle “Gabby” Davis is a professional model from Jamaica. She signed with Pulse Modela and has walked the runway during Caribbean Fashion Week, among other major shows. While Gabby continues to look for work in Miami, she also has time to possibly rekindle her romance with R&B singer Marcus “Pleasure P” Cooper who’s currently dating Love & Hip Hop Atlanta’s Shay Johnson. Love & Hip Hop: Miami airs Mondays at 9pm on VH1, right after Love & Hip Hop (New York).

Birthday: June 4, 1989
Ethnicity: Jamaican
Birthplace: Kingston, Jamaica
Snapchat: badgyalzilla

Pretty Ricky’s Pleasure P is looking for a comeback on Love and Hip Hop Miami. He is in the midst of reuniting Pretty Ricky and building a relationship with girlfriend Shay Buckeey Johnson. But someone might be throwing a wrench in his plans of a happy ending. His ex girlfriend model Gabby Gabrielle Davis is shaking things up between he and Buckeey.

Gabrielle was born and raised in Jamaica. She was discovered during a national modeling competition. She was signed to the prestigious agency and soon booked her first major editorial spread for The British Daily Express. This Jamaican born and bred beauty sat down last year with a local blog Kingston to La and answered a few questions. She explained her celebrity crush is Johnny Depp, and she went on to say three things she looks for in a guy are style, sense of humor and nice smile. She also mentioned Naomi Campbell as her icon.

Gabby Davis
Pleasure P's ex. Davis, full name Gabrielle Davis, is a model and aspiring actress from Kingston, Jamaica.[43] In the first season, she attempts to rekindle the flame with Pleasure P., igniting a feud with his girlfriend Shay. After Shay throws an ice cream at her after discovering the two together, she dubs her "Mint Chocolate"


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